Thursday, June 26, 2008

Going to church in the mountains

John Muir called it Cathedral Peak because it was the first time he had been to church in the peaks of Yosemite. And we went there too!
There was backpacking, sucking wind at 8000-10000 feet, heavy packs, gorgeous trails, still lots of snow, and great times!

Our campsite was gorgeous. Good thing we set it up when we did.... it downpoured, hailed, and gusted wind for 90 minutes! Good nap time.

The next morning we climbed the peak. What a challenge, and what amazing views!

Here are just a couple pictures to give you a taste of the beauty.

See that peak all the way up there... makes me tired just thinkin of it!

Let's climb that crazy thing!

Camping by a snow patch, and look at those clouds rollin' in!

Yeah.... we totally did that!


Cam said...

Birdo, I do check out your blog! It's how I keep tabs on you since I suck at calling. And how I make sure that you are still insane with your multi-day wall climbs of possible death. I almost peed my pants the first time you mentioned sleeping on the wall.

Christy said...

Absolutely NOTHING beats the beauty of Yosemite!!! I'm SOOO jealous! Keep the gorgeous pictures coming!

Michelle said...

The pictures of Yosemite are absolutely stunning. You are one amazing girl.

megan said...

WOW!!! Those pics are beautiful!!!

djensen said...

Looks like so much fun!! You two are totally crazy you know that! What an amazing adventure-it made me think of our girls trip to Yosemite and those blasted mosquitos that tried to suck everylast drop of blood out of us! Keep livin the adventure!