Thursday, June 5, 2008

Family Gatherings

As you know, I love my family. I also love just about any reason to get together. Even though my Grandpa Bird's funeral was not the happiest of reasons to gather, we found so many reasons to celebrate. We celebrated his life, his service to our country in the Army, and we celebrated being privileged to be his posterity. Blackfoot will not be the same to me when we don't stay at Grandpa's house. But I do have so many years of sweet memories with him and Grandma. Campouts and BBQs in the backyard, making fabulous chocolates, hearing stories of dry farming and the military, and the smell of coming home when you walked through that door. We were always welcome, and I will miss the phone calls to keep in touch when we couldn't visit as often as we like.

I had never been to a military funeral. It was beautiful, but "Taps" never sounded sooo sad!

The fam.

Adorable little cousins who are growing up so fast. I love you all!

Angela, Erika, and I. So good to get together and reminisce about the crazy teenage days, and make new memories too.

We had so much support and love from family and friends. Even my sweet great Aunts came!

Mom and Dad in front of the Homestead. So many memories revolved around that house for the last 50 years. Thanks for the memories!

And, thanks to my cute cousins and their sweet posts about Grandpa too. I loved reading your memories!


Mikayla said...

We had a such fun time up there with you and the family. It was great to see everyone again. Hopefully we will be able to get together again soon. :D Love you all and tell the family I say "Hi".

Michelle said...

I'm sorry again about your grandpa but am so glad that you could go to celebrate his life and join up with so much family. Knowing you guys, I'm sure you had fun and were able to laugh a lot, even at such a somber time of life.

Grayson Family said...

Sorry about your grandpa. It looks like the Bird family really loves to be together though. You guys are awesome