Saturday, February 23, 2008

Do you Tattoo?

So, what do grown ups do when they get together? That's right, they do fake tattoos! So, in the last couple of weeks, a friend of mine was so excited about the new rock climbing muscles in her forearms, that she picked up some tattoos to help show them off. You know.... like Popeye and the anchor on the forearm.

So we did them one night. The next day, I went to work with this dragon on my forearm. And, wouldn't you know that a 3 year old girl came in with the exact same one on her arm! Well, who says I have to act my age!?!

So the other night we went out to dinner and decided to use up the last tattoos in the pack. We were quite the sight, rubbing on tattoos and posing for pictures... Classic craziness with friends!

That snarl doesn't fool me my friend!

Those tattoos are painful, right Alan?

Matching snake tattoos on our forearms.... yikes! (mine didn't last long, since snakes creep me out!)

Go tough girl!

What is that? A treasure chest? What a silly idea for such a serious tattoo! :)


rebecca said...

You make me laugh! I really am surprised that you even let a snake tatoo come close to you!!!!!

Mikayla said...

Hey ya my site is.....well I actually am creeped out, because some guy named Jason got onto my site and left me a comment. So now I'm thinking I am going to get a closed site, so do you have a gmail acount or anything? Because if you get that to me I can send you an invite??

megan said...

Love the tattoos! And thanks for the book recommendations! I'll have to look into them!

kristin said...

mikayla, it's

Michelle said...

You crack me up. Didn't you remember Pres Hinckley's counsel to avoid the very appearance of evil? JK

Christine said...

That is a funny post and it looks like you guys had a great time! Devin's mom passed out tattoo sleeves in some of the Christmas Stockings this year - luckily my kids weren't there for that.

Hey - is that Andrea? If so, she looks great and I love her muscle too!