Friday, April 24, 2009

Run for your life!!!

So I did another half marathon last weekend. Part of me wanted to do better (aka run faster) than last time, but part of me wasn't committing to that goal. Good thing!

So my wonderful friend Kari and I planned a nice weekend. We got a hotel room near the race in Santa Cruz. We relaxed at the beach, read books, shopped, and got ready for the big race. The race started at 8am. If any of you know Santa Cruz, it is always foggy or cool in the morning, and sometimes it takes until noon to start warming up - hence the appeal for the beautiful morning run along the coastline. Let's just say I was surprised when I was already feeling the sun beating on me at the start line.
We had record heat that day in Santa Cruz. Drat! But I did okay. I did have to stop and walk for a bit to douse myself with water and rehydrate. I was a little slower than my previous time, but I survived.
So the big question is... do 2 halves make a whole marathon??? :)


Cam said...

Um YES two halves make a whole. Way to go on completing the second one!

Can two associates degrees make a bachelors?

Michelle said...

I agree with Camille...two half marathons make a whole. Good job on doing it. I wish I had been in Santa Cruz last weekend-at the beach, not running.

Elise said...

Congrats!!! I'll go with everyone here and say that you've done a whole. What a fun and beautiful place to run!

djensen said...

Definitely, two halves always make a whole! Especially when running is involved! I miss the beach , I bet it was beautiful!