Thursday, May 22, 2008

Happiness is...

Happiness is not having to hop out of bed right when you wake up.
Happiness is a good surprise.
Happiness is a beautiful sunny day in Yosemite.
Happiness is Nathan calling and saying "Auntie Hoot, can you come over and play?"
Happiness is a good laugh (I mean the one that makes it hard to catch your breath and you are just crying it's so funny!)
Happiness is knowing that my grandparents are together and happy too.
Happiness is good sourdough bread.
And happiness is good friends sending amazing flowers to cheer me up. (just when I thought I might fire you and get new friends!) I really do love you guys!


melis said...

I am so sorry about Grandpa Bird. Isnt it great knowing that he is so much happier now? XOXO

Mikayla said...

I loved that poem you wrote! But isnt it just so great knowing that he is in a place so much better...We are all going to miss him.

rebecca said...

The world is missing a wonderful man, but heaven has gained one! I'm so sorry to hear about Grandpa Bird! I was very blessed to have met him :) I'll never forget spending that weekend with them and making allllllll those chocolates!!!!!