Sunday, March 29, 2009

Photo Trivia

Okay... yes, I know it has been forever since I have posted! I do have some stuff to post, but as a teaser here is a pic. I give points to the person who guesses what did this to me! (p.s. it is about 4-5 inches long)


Michelle said...

I would have to guess it's one of those hook, 3 prong thing-ies (don't even know the name of it!) that's used in rock climbing.

No matter what did it to you, OUCH!!!!

The Bingham's said...

A squirrel, hahahaha. No, wait a snake, hahahaha. Okay, so I have no idea, I just wanted to be silly. (Because I know how much you LOVE snakes :))

Elise said...

Oh my!!! Has to be some sort of rock climbing equipment thing or a bush since you were down South this last week. Oh, I so want to know what happened.

Unknown said...

Is that really your skin? I am sorry! I am not sure what that is, but my guess whould have to be...a kitty cat :) haha just kidding! I dont know, but it looks like whatever it was really got you good!

Andrea said...

I bet it was a rock, because the granite at Joshua Tree bites! If it were a photo of an injury I had sustained, it would probably be a Teddy Bear Cholla.

Bruce said...

I am sure it was a slipidus downrockidus. Very deadly desert animal. Glad you lived to tell about it.

Katie said...

Probably some crazy bush or tree...I can't wait to hear the story. BTW, where on your body is this gnarly wound?